Enhancing quality of life and well-being through better hearing

Changing your wax guards

When hearing aid users say their hearing aid stopped working, what we find most of the time is that their wax guard needs to be changed. This usually fixes the issue. Our staff changes the wax guard on every hearing aid that comes in for a cleaning or for an appointment with the audiologist. During this current crisis, we have adapted our office policies and now require contact-less curbside cleaning of our patients’ hearing aids.

However, we realize that even driving to our office may not be possible, or too risky, for some of our patients. So Dr. Lang has created a video to show you how you can change your or a loved ones’ wax guards at home. We are committed in every way to provide better hearing while keeping you safe.https://www.youtube.com/embed/uK_axfN9ZRU?feature=oembed